Peer Ministers Visit St. Joe’s Collegiate

Peer Ministers Visit St. Joe’s Collegiate near syracuse ny image of students

Eight CBA Peer Ministers from the Lasallian Connections group traveled to St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in Buffalo on Feb. 15 to meet with students involved in St. Joe’s Campus Ministry programs.

Peer Ministers Grace Fletcher, Katrina Huynh, Talia Cannizzo, Michael McMahon, Julia Dalton, Luke DeLorenzo, Ryan Wendt, and Will Rebhahn toured the facility, had lunch together and talked about their respective programs.

Peer Ministers Visit St. Joe’s Collegiate near syracuse ny image of peer ministers

Students Reflections:

“It gave us the time to realize that we are part of something that is much bigger.”

“I liked seeing how many similarities there are between our schools.”

“I enjoyed learning about the ways they live out their Lasallian mission.”

“A Lasallian education is a uniting force.”

The CBA students enjoyed the visit and found it informative.