Junior High Students To Perform In Newsies Jr. Dec. 1-3

This year’s Junior High Musical, “Newsies, Jr” will be performed in the brand-new Performance Center Dec. 1-3.

Newsies is based on the true story of the 1899 newsboys' strike, and real-life newsie Kid Blink was the inspiration for the musical's lead, Jack Kelly. Jack's right-hand man, Davey, is based on real-life union president David Simmons, while Katherine Plumber is named for Joseph Pulitzer's daughter. 

Tickets will be available through the main office.

Cast includes:

Jack Kelly: Jackson Finn; Katherine Plumber: Ceci Lombardi; Crutchie: Clara DeFilippis; Davey: Nicholas McPhee; Les: Tanner Chimber; Medda Larkin: Camille Brandt; Joseph Pulitzer: Henry Smith; Wiesel: Lincoln Sweeney; Oscar Delancey: Sean Warnock; Morris Delancey: Charlie Viviano; Newsies- Race: Gavin Wilson; Albert: Jackson Miller; Muriel: Flynn Johnston; Nancy: Ashlynn Johnston; Specs: Katerina Riccelli; Hazel: Akuch Chol; JoJo: McKenzie Watkins; Ruby: Ruby Damato; Tommy Boy: Ian George; Romeo: Jonathon Harper; Buttons: Chloe Nguyen; Spot Conlon: Lamere Grenton; Snyder: Nola Harmon; Seitz: Addie Haun; Pat: Isabella Falasco; Olive: Katie Sartori; Hannah: Tamera Jones; Ada: Giada Smith; Ethel: Reme Kucera; Dorothy: Sophie Brewster; Darcy: Emily Sartori; Bunsen: Breezy Barden; Police Chief: Zach Heck; “Woman” Customer: Makayla Grobsmith